“The Entryway of Joy: Trials” – James 1:2-4

We struggle to find joy in our trials because it is painful and we do not understand God’s purpose in it. But God allows trials to come into our lives because through them he refines his image in us, and reveals his love to us, and when we embrace this purpose we can persevere by faith. This message comes from …

“The Enemies of Joy: Depression” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

When we are unable to share our sadness and grief it can lead us to “despair of life itself”. But when we see God’s purpose for our pain and bring our afflictions into community we can discover God’s comfort through God’s people. This is the fifth message of this sermon series and was given by Pastor Peter Cho and comes …

“The Enemies of Joy: Anxiety” – Phil 4:4-7

The enemy works tirelessly to steal our joy through anxiety – tempting us to look inward. But God has given us instructions on how to protect it – by looking upward. Through prayer and giving thanks we are directed back to the source of our joy…God himself. This is the fourth message given by Pastor Peter Cho in the “Joy in the Journey” series and comes …

“The Essentials of Joy: Love” – John 15:8-17

We struggle to find happiness because we seek it for ourselves. But Jesus shares that the path to his joy is found in loving one another as he loved us.  This message was given Pastor Peter Cho and is the third message from the series: “Joy in the Journey” and comes from John 15:8-17.  

“The Essentials of Joy: Abiding” – John 15:1-11

Jesus had more joy than anyone who walked this earth and desires that his joy be in us and our joy might be full. How do we discover his joy in our lives? Jesus tells his beloved disciples the path to true joy and how we too can find it.  This message was given Pastor Peter Cho and is the second message from …

“The Essence of Joy: Jesus” – Philippians 4:4

We all pursue happiness but what if we were created for joy? A joy that can not be found in a person, place or thing but only in God Himself. In this introductory sermon on joy we explore misconceptions about joy and discover where true joy can be found. This message was given by Pastor Peter Cho and comes from Philippians …

“Encouragement” – Hebrews 3:12-13

The following message was given by a guest speaker, Pastor Frank Pisczcor from Harvest Community Church. It comes from Hebrews 3:12-13 and is entitled “Encouragement”.

“Divine Breakthrough” – Acts 10:9-16, 34-35

God often disrupts our lives because sometimes that is the only way that He gets our attention, and he often needs to get our attention in order to rescue us, renews us, or revive us. The following message was given by a guest speaker, Pastor Peter Kim, from Redeemer Life Church and comes from the book of Acts 10:9-16, 34-35.