Various Texts – “The Good News: Part 2”

This message is the second of a two part message called “The Good News” given on Easter Sunday. It comes from various texts in the gospels and was given by Pastor Steve Lee.

Various Texts – “The Good News: Part 1”

This message is the first of a two part message called “The Good News” given on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. It comes from various texts in the gospels and was given by Pastor Steve Lee.

Luke 20:1-18 – “The Cornerstone”

Jesus’ authority is defined by his identity and we cannot see him as “the way and the life” if we see him as a threat to “our way of life”. This message is from our series in the book of Luke entitled “Encountering Jesus”. It comes from Luke 20:1-18 and was given by Pastor Peter Cho.

Luke 19:45-48 – “A House of Prayer”

This message is from our series in the book of Luke entitled “Encountering Jesus”. It comes from Luke 19:45-48 and was given by Pastor Steve Lee.

Luke 19:28-44 – “Thy Kingdom Come”

God may not always come when we want, how we want, or with what we want, but He is coming when, how and with what we need. This message is from our series in the book of Luke entitled “Encountering Jesus”. It comes from Luke 19:28-44 and was given by Pastor Peter Cho.

Luke 19:11-27 – “Faithful Stewards”

This message is from our series in the book of Luke entitled “Encountering Jesus”. It comes from Luke 19:11-27 and was given by Pastor Steve Lee.

Luke 19:1-10 – “Seeing, Seeking, Saving”

What happens when a man seeks to see God? What happens when God seeks to save man? More than a cute children’s Bible story, the account of Zacchaeus and Jesus should either offend us or overwhelm us with the gospel of grace.

Luke 18:35-43 – “Seeing Our Need”

This message is from our series in the book of Luke entitled “Encountering Jesus”. It comes from Luke 18:18-34 and was given by Pastor Steve Lee.

Numbers 21:4-9 – “The Great Exchange”

Why would God have Moses construct a bronze serpent to find salvation for the Israelites in the wilderness? What does it tell us about the cross of Jesus Christ? Listen and see why the gospel is referred to as “The Great Exchange”.