“The Least of These”

God’s justice calls us to look after the needs of those who are most powerless and unable to help themselves.

Easter Sunday: “Free Indeed”

True freedom is found in the deliverance from sin that Jesus alone can provide, not only through the cross but also through the Spirit who helps us live in the power of new life.

Securing Our Victory

On the cross, Jesus revealed himself to be Israel’s long-awaited King who defeated the enemies of God in the spiritual realms. We find victory in our lives through the victory that Jesus secured on our behalf.

“Loving Us to the End”

The cross is the ultimate expression of God’s love for us, showing us the depth of his commitment to us.

“Covering My Shame”

Our shame tells us that there is something deeply flawed in us that makes us unworthy of love. But Jesus covers our shame by bearing it himself on the cross.

“God of Our Emotions”

We struggle to express our emotions to God because sometimes we don’t know how to make sense of them or we feel alone when we express them. But God gave us feelings to understand what is happening inside our hearts and to come to him with them so that we might know He loves us and is with us no matter what …

“Grief in Christ”- John 11:35

Even the deepest of griefs encountered from losing someone you love cannot stop the heart of God from ministering to you.