The mission of ICC’s Children’s Church is to teach our children the gospel message in ways they can understand at each stage of their development. Rather than teaching them a list of “do’s and don’ts,” our goal is to introduce them to a loving and powerful God who is worthy of their trust. By nurturing their young and growing faith in this way, it is our hope that they will put their faith in Jesus when they are old enough to make the decision.

We see our children’s ministry as only one part of our children’s overall spiritual formation, which we believe is primarily under the parents’ leadership. Thus, we believe strongly in a close partnership between the parents and the Children’s Church, expressed through regular communication, parental involvement and training. Quarterly Family Worship services provide an opportunity for children to join the adults for a time of singing and Bible teaching, before leaving for their own program. These services afford families the opportunity to seek God together, and enable parents to model a heart of worship to their children.

Parents of infants are provided a special area in the back of the sanctuary. There is also an enclosed, padded area just outside the sanctuary where parents can monitor their children under 18 months old. All children older than 18 months are dropped off and registered at the Children’s Church table located just beyond the main entrance. They begin their time together in singing, prayer, and giving of their offering. Afterward, their teachers escort them to their individual classrooms where they are taught a Bible lesson followed by a craft time, which illustrates the lesson. The children are divided into the following classes:

• Toddlers (18 months – 36 months)
• Pre-K3 (3 year olds)
• Pre-K4 (4 year olds)
• Kindergarten (5 year olds)
• Lower Elementary (Grades 1-2)
• Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5)

At the end of worship, parents must sign out their children from their respective classrooms. Children are sent home with a resource page which outlines the lesson and also contains a memory verse which the children are requested to memorize during the following week.