“The Gospel of the Sabbath” -Matthew 11:28-12:13

The Sabbath can feel like just another burdensome religious command if we miss God’s message and mission behind it. But when we embrace Jesus as the source of the Sabbath, the lord of the Sabbath, and the hope of the Sabbath we can live empowered by the gospel of the Kingdom.

“Sabbath Rest” -Matthew 12:1-8

Speaker: Pastor Peter Cho We struggle to understand God’s gift of the Sabbath to us when we reduce it to self-righteous legalism. But Jesus invites us to experience the true rest in him, that allows us to be fully present with God, ourselves and those around us.

“Covenantal Friendship”

Biblical friendship is a rare relational bond of affection that is built on truth, covenantal trust, and trial. This is essential in order to have the abundant life Christ has for His followers.

“Self-Control” – Galatians 5:22-23

God gives us a spirit of self-control so that we can resist the temptations around us and live an intentional life honoring to God in our actions and our heart.